Course Description


  • Learn at your own pace.
  • Enroll at any time.
  • You can complete your courses as fast as necessary but generally completion is within 4 to 5 months.
  • You must have earned a bachelor’s degree if registering for credit.

Bullying prevention is a topic that every teacher must eventually deal with in their career. Students in this course will explore how bullying is a result of the relationships between the individual, family, peer group, community and culture.  Teachers will learn how to prevent bullying from happening in their classrooms, as well as how to help bullied children cultivate the resources needed to heal.  They will learn to create classrooms that are non-violent, compassionate and safe places to learn.  Some of the topics covered in the course include:  the differences between boy and girl bullies, the role of peers in bullying, classroom atmospheres that support or discourage bullying, sexual harassment, as well as how to implement a successful intervention program. Students from preschool to high school will increase their self-esteem, mental well-being, and learn how to use conflict resolution skills that will promote positive social interaction in school, at home and in the community. Research has shown that teachers who maintain compassionate, safe learning environments result in higher academic achievement and student motivation.

Course Objectives

As a result of participation in this course, students should:

  • Understand how bullies, victims and bystanders help to perpetuate bullying and school violence.
  • Describe the differences in bullying behaviors between boys and girls and how teachers can address the difference in planning behavior interventions.
  • Learn how to use the 6 Step Anti-Bullying Plan, the Pikas Method of Shared Concern, Circles of Friends, Support Groups and Collaborative Problem Solving to decrease school violence.
  • Assess your school environment and identify goals to implement an anti-bullying policy to create a safe school environment.
  • Understand the importance of the peer group and utilize peer mediation, mentoring and partnering to prevent bullying.


Online Graduate Professional Development &
Continuing Education Credit Courses for Teachers