Course Description
- Learn at your own pace.
- Enroll at any time.
- Completion time frames vary for courses listed, but most take 3 or 4 months to complete.
- You must have earned a bachelor’s degree if registering for credit.
This course is designed to give teachers an introduction to screencasting. A screencast can be a powerful educational tool to help with differentiation, independent learning, remediation, and flipped classroom scenarios. Screencasts are a useful supplement when a teacher cannot be in the classroom. Students will explore and discover how to create screencasts for their classrooms.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you should be able to accomplish the following objectives:
- Students will review professional articles related to screencasting.
- Students will discover and review tools that can be used for screencasting.
- Students will create multiple screencasts for different learning objectives.
- Students will reflect on how screencasting can be useful in their classroom to improve student learning.
Online Graduate Professional Development &
Continuing Education Credit Courses for Teachers